Monday, November 5, 2012

PartyPoker Table Theme & Cards Mods with Paint.NET

You can edit some simple PartyPoker files with the free program Paint.NET v3.5.10 (download here: Paint.NET ) and take this basic PartyPoker Techno table theme from this:

PartyPoker Table Theme & Cards Mods with Paint.NET

To This:

PartyPoker Table Theme & Cards Mods with Paint.NET

What I did was edited the table layout to two tone grey, place a yellow rectangle across players that have folded, made the avatars solid black to read the tables easier, and colored all the aces yellow in the deck to make them easier to identify.

Here are the edited PartyPoker files and saved in their original directory:





Set the cards to actual size before editing the aces in Paint.NET v3.5.10 .

Here are the edited PartyPoker files and saved in their original directory:

Paint.NET v3.5.10  is a very easy program to work with and you can customize the table theme to your liking. Here are additional images:

Paint.NET v3.5.10  is a very easy program to work with and you can customize the table theme to your liking. Here are additional images:

Paint.NET v3.5.10  is a very easy program to work with and you can customize the table theme to your liking. Here are additional images:

Paint.NET v3.5.10  is a very easy program to work with and you can customize the table theme to your liking. Here are additional images:

You can also do the same with the OpportunityAlerts1.jpeg file to alert you to premium cards, by turning your table felt red:

You can also do the same with the OpportunityAlerts1.jpeg file to alert you to premium cards, by turning your table felt red:

You can always reinstall PartyPoker software to restore your table themes to default if you run into problems.

Color Full Tilt Poker Notes / Holdem Manager / Poker Tracker

Full Tilt Poker Notes

"With Full Tilt Poker notes, you have to manually import them into the xml file with notepad. Full Tilt Poker software cannot be running during the import in order to have the players colors / notes changes take effect."

Chris Ferguson Color Full Tilt Poker Notes / Holdem Manager / Poker Tracker

The following batch files can be used to color Full Tilt Poker Notes exactly the same as PokerStars Notes. The only difference is in the color batch file line that writes to the Full Tilt Poker XML file.

Each color batch file must be edited as in the following example.
"You must disable Real-time protection in Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE if enabled), or it will cripple the amount of time to complete the batch files sorting (MsMpEng.exe)."

Here is the modified PS-0-Note.bat file for Holdem Manager:


for /f "tokens=1-2 delims=," %%a in (HM2-GOOD-Name-Players.txt) do (
 if /I %%b gtr "0.001" if /I %%b leq "0.1" echo ^<NOTE PlayerId= %%a ColourIx="0" Text="" /^>>>HM2STARS-READY-to-IMPORT.txt

Notice that

echo ^<NOTE PlayerId= %%a ColourIx="0" Text="" /^>>>HM2STARS-READY-to-IMPORT.txt

has been changed from

echo ^<note player= %%a label="0" ^>^</note^>>>HM2STARS-READY-to-IMPORT.txt

for the Full Tilt Poker Notes XML file.

The following batch files (in following posts) can be used to color Full Tilt Poker notes exactly the same as PokerStars notes.

Your Notes file is located in your installation directory where the Full Tilt Poker directory is located and the notes file is named after your player name (example: PHD_$_Thiefs.xml).

Full Tilt Poker has 14 different colors

Full Tilt Poker has 14 different colors so you can edit the batch files to use colors from 0 - 13.

You can alter the size of the FTP Note Icons to any size:

  • FTP application is not running 
  • Backup / rename (original) file RankDiodes.PNG
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Full Tilt Poker\Graphics\NewTable\Common\Pod\RankDiodes.PNG
  • Edit the file in
  • Select menu options: Image / Resize
  • Choose option By Percentage
  • Select a value greater or less than original
  • Save file in same location 
  • Start FTP to see the new sized FTP Note Icons

FTP With Larger Sized Notes

The following batch files (in following posts) can be used to color Full Tilt Poker notes exactly the same as PokerStars notes.