Here is the link for zip files available for download on Google Sites: (click file - wait few seconds to appear - click top right download icon)
Link: PHD_$_Thiefs_Zip_Files
Image directory of files
Good Read, Highly Recommend It !
Fritjof Capra's entitled book Web of Life, has a section on Chaos Theory, that explained gambling in a different light. It helped me understand my gambling problem (horse handicapping).
![]() |
Fritjof Capra Book Web of Life |
HUD Display Circles:
Sometimes you only need to know the range of values for a stat then the exact number. This is where circles display symbols can help you react quicker to decisions.This is the font file to download for the HUD Display Circles: PHD_$_Thiefs_HUD_Circles
Make sure to select REGULAR for font style and confirm settings after saving HUD options.
This is the format that the stats must be in to be displayed DEMO-TESTVPIP.pt4stat
If the number is at 100 % at the start of a game (VPIP 1/1), then you will get two circles for a hand or two. You can further customize the stat or make the value of 10 transparent, lighter color, or solid black (color ranges must now be 0-10 instead of 0-100 values).
Use a separate Hands stat group as they fit nicely in the player's avatar location.
Install Font:
Testing Out Rectangles Indicating Short Stacked Players / Table Backgrounds:
Testing out a font with rectangles in order to recognize short stacked players quicker and adjust accordingly.
I use different colors at the bottom of the table backgrounds to indicate type of games (SNG / Hypers /Satellite / MTT / Cash) or their late stages ( ITM / Bubble / Short Stacked / Chip Leader).
Increased the size of the I'm Back button which displays clearly in the AHK PokerStars Stacked previewer as mentioned below.
I'm Back button is located at the C:\Program Files (x86)\PokerStars\themes\nova\green\ctrls directory with the file name bb.png (which you can edit the size and color of the image in Paint.Net).
I'm BackIncreased the size of the I'm Back button which displays clearly in the AHK PokerStars Stacked previewer as mentioned below.
I'm Back button is located at the C:\Program Files (x86)\PokerStars\themes\nova\green\ctrls directory with the file name bb.png (which you can edit the size and color of the image in Paint.Net).
I'm Back button is same size but colored red.
BackgroundsYou can download the table background colors for NOVA Theme here: PHD_$_Thiefs Table
You can replace any of these five tables at these directory locations for the Nova Table Theme. Use AHK scripts to automatically change the table color and background.
- Silver.jpg = C:\Program Files (x86)\PokerStars\gx\backgrounds
- Red-Carpet-Nova.jpg = C:\Program Files (x86)\PokerStars\themes\nova\green\backgrounds
- Poker-Room.jpg =C:\Program Files (x86)\PokerStars\themes\nova\green\backgrounds
- Metallic-Floor-nova.jpg =C:\Program Files (x86)\PokerStars\themes\nova\green\backgrounds
- Nova.jpg =C:\Program Files (x86)\PokerStars\themes\nova\green\backgrounds
Variance Is Like Insanity:
Losing with the best hand over and over,
and expecting different results.
Placemint Blind Sorting Format:
Placemint built-in features include defining window slots sizes and saving configurations.
Placemint can be configured for many various setups, with the ability to change configurations while playing (MTT's. HYPERS, SNGs, RUSH / ZOOM, cash ring, .......).
Can be used as a simple free utility in sorting all of your different games into appropriate window slots (pause option). It provides built-in features, such as window slot sizing and regex expressions for your poker tables.
Link to test / learn REGEX expressions:
Twoplustwo thread for Placemint here: PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool that you can copy and use.
Warning: Placemint has randomly wiped out table xml configuration setting files. Backup / copy your Placemint directory, or at the very least these files:
Include your configuration files as well to avoid repeating all that work again.
Editing PokerStars Card Back Colors:
These are some of the colors that you can change your cards too. You can even use them to color code your table type, ITM, bubble, Final Table, Satellite.....
It's a simple process of downloading the UnoDeck file and extracting it to a directory.
Next, copy the deck_preview_back.png file to the directory
C:\Program Files (x86)\PokerStars\gx\chips&deck\deck\preview
Then copy the three remaining files (medback.png, smback.png, back.png) to the directory
C:\Program Files (x86)\PokerStars\gx\chips&deck\deck\default
Now start up PokerStars and select the card back colors of your choice.
Stars Filtered SNG OpenerWorks great for multi-tabling with Placemint. I only use version SFSO_4.01a and have had zero problems.
Here is the link:
Here is the forum Twoplustwo thread: Stars Filtered SNG Opener
The Opener: The anything launcher
Another very useful AHK script utility that will start all of your programs at once. You can use it for different poker sites and configurations, or for any applications.
Here is the forum Twoplustwo thread: The Opener: The anything launcher
T-Clock 2010 Alarm / Timer / Launch Menu:
Great free utility that you can easily set up reminders (alarms) for registration and adjust the size of your windows clock (including seconds).
Alarms can be set using custom sound waves and / or custom pop-up windows with configurable text.
Other useful features included and you can download the clock here T-Clock
Alarms can be set using custom sound waves and / or custom pop-up windows with configurable text.
Other useful features included and you can download the clock here T-Clock
Microsoft Garage Mouse without Borders
If you have two computers and play on more than one poker site at a time, this free product can help you.
You can use each computer's keyboard for hot keys, and share one mouse between the two computers.The mouse will allow you to zero in on post-flop play and still allow you to execute the auto folds via keyboard.
This also allows to share the clipboard between two computers and one mouse / keyboard.
This also allows to share the clipboard between two computers and one mouse / keyboard.
It can reduce lag and provide additional backup if one of your computer's gets toasted. You have to have Windows Firewall running during install (can be disabled later).
Running Windows 7 Homegroups will allow updates between the computer databases (PT4) via auto batch import / export files.
Another Microsoft free product called SyncToy 2.1 that I tested. Works as advertised in synchronizing directories between computers.
Here is the download link: SyncToy 2.1
Running Windows 7 Homegroups will allow updates between the computer databases (PT4) via auto batch import / export files.
Passive-Agressive Regret:
Hand you shouldn't have played...
Hand you should have played ...
Hand you constantly replay ...
Here is the download link: SyncToy 2.1
Free utility to defrag non-SSD drives. Helps boost performance with slower / secondary computers.
Puran Defrag Download Link
Disable additional smart indexing to decrease defrag time.
Windows 7 Taskbar Thumbnail Customizer v 1.2
Allows you to increase the size of your poker tables thumbnails. This free utility can increase or restore your settings back to default within seconds.
Here is an actual example for comparisons (not maximum thumbnail size settings):
Here is the link for download:
Internet / Hardware Connection Problems?
See this post on the twoplustwo forums on ideas
in isolating your problem: I_Am_No_Doctor
Mirror HUD
PokerTracker vs Hero Stats:
This does not work with the version of PT4 1.11.6 (unless you have a small DB of less than 100K hands) , I have made mention of it to the PT4 devs in their twoplustwo forum thread.
Load up your PT4 Replayer and test out the values while you give it a try. I did not get a chance to document the stat descriptions, so excuse the mess.
These custom stats display all of Hero's attempted steals and steal opportunities that Villain was seated at the same table (Mirror Villain's HUD). Hero Positions include the SB, BTN, CO and HJ positions, with specific vs Hero stats that Villain was involved in (Challenge Hero), displayed below them.
PT4 Forum Support thread on Vs Hero Stats
Full Tilt Poker & PokerStars Stacked Previewer:
I edited this from the AHK forum to activate between Stars and FTP tables:
Stacked Table Previewer TwoPlusTwo Thread
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
GroupAdd, Poker, ahk_class QWidget,,,Full Tilt Poker
GroupAdd, poker, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
Numpad4:: ; Next Window
WinGetClass, CurrentActive, A
WinGet, Instances, Count, ahk_class %CurrentActive%
If Instances > 1
WinSet, Bottom,, A
WinActivate, ahk_group Poker,,YourPokerNameHere
Numpad5:: ; Previous Window
WinGetClass, CurrentActive, A
WinGet, Instances, Count, ahk_class %CurrentActive%
If Instances > 1
WinActivateBottom, ahk_group Poker,,YourPokerNameHere
Rush Hotkeys:
You can try this AHK script that creates a green border around the active table and the following keys set as (test it out on play money or micro stakes first).
Edited Border color AHK script from this link: GDDWNB
**You can edit the color and size of border**
Fold = Space:, Numpad0, or WheelUp
TimeBank = T
Next window = Numpad3, or WheelDown
Max = NumpadADD
Call = Numpad4
Bet = Numpad7
1ST Tab = Numpad8
2nd Tab = Numpad9
Suspend = Q
Replace the text YOURNAME with your exact FTP player name.
Example: WinActivate, ahk_class Qt5QWindowIcon,,YOURNAME
Adjust the hotkeys if required. Also you can use Window Spy from the AHK script to edit table locations.
Stats to Help Identify Chip Bleeds in Your Game Using PT4 Graphs:
I use the blind level size of 150 or more as late stage, and less than 150 as early stage.
Greater than 65 percent (AT vs A2, 66 vs A5)
Less than 35 percent (T9 vs KT, 99 vs TT)
Coin flips between 35 and 65 percent (KJ vs A7, QT vs 33)
"Are your good hands holding up?" / "Are your weak hands getting lucky?"
Using solid bars as a font, here is the HUD in normal game play and when expanded (7 Font regular and 24 expanded were used here). Player names were only used in the Expand HUD popup:
Download the edited font here PHDTHIEFS-Font-zipped
Unzip it to a directory and the file MyFontphd22.ttf will be extracted. Open the directory c:/Windows/Fonts in a separate window. You have to copy the file over by DRAGGING the file to the Fonts directory (important).
Now you can start PT4 and go to the option of Edit Hud Profiles. Make a duplicate of the HUD you always use.
Select all of your stats
In the list you will see a font called PHD_$_Thiefs and select it with the font size that you want.
Select APPLY and your HUD should look like the first image (make sure that you have selected it as the new HUD profile).
Create a Popup Group called Expand HUD and duplicate all of your stats. This time select all of the stats and increase the font size to a much larger number, as seen in image number two. The font type will be your normal font selection that you always use.
You can adjust the HUD font sizes until it suits your setup (mobile, multi-tabling, laptop). Create separate HUDs and popups for each.
You can use the number of color bars as an indicator of potential losing or winning plays, depending on how you create your color ranges.
I use the blind level size of 150 or more as late stage, and less than 150 as early stage.
Greater than 65 percent (AT vs A2, 66 vs A5)
Less than 35 percent (T9 vs KT, 99 vs TT)
Coin flips between 35 and 65 percent (KJ vs A7, QT vs 33)
Helps to answer the questions (in BBs):
Using solid bars as a font, here is the HUD in normal game play and when expanded (7 Font regular and 24 expanded were used here). Player names were only used in the Expand HUD popup:
Install Font:
Download the edited font here PHDTHIEFS-Font-zipped
Unzip it to a directory and the file MyFontphd22.ttf will be extracted. Open the directory c:/Windows/Fonts in a separate window. You have to copy the file over by DRAGGING the file to the Fonts directory (important).
Now you can start PT4 and go to the option of Edit Hud Profiles. Make a duplicate of the HUD you always use.
Select all of your stats
"you can highlight all of the stats in your group easily by clicking in the Group Items area on the Hud Editor and pressing ctrl+a. Then you can edit the font size for all stats at once"and now select the option of Font in Item Properties.
In the list you will see a font called PHD_$_Thiefs and select it with the font size that you want.
Select APPLY and your HUD should look like the first image (make sure that you have selected it as the new HUD profile).
Create a Popup Group called Expand HUD and duplicate all of your stats. This time select all of the stats and increase the font size to a much larger number, as seen in image number two. The font type will be your normal font selection that you always use.
You can adjust the HUD font sizes until it suits your setup (mobile, multi-tabling, laptop). Create separate HUDs and popups for each.
You can use the number of color bars as an indicator of potential losing or winning plays, depending on how you create your color ranges.